The role of VAT declarations in tax accounting under Law 67 of 2016

Document Type : Original Article


Head of Department and Trainer, Egyptian Tax Authority Assigned to teach Alexandria University Egypt


The concept of economic development is broader than the concept of economic growth (ie, the increase in real per capita income). Productive efficiency and balance of economic, social and political structure
Economic development, while taking into account the occurrence of economic growth in the previous sense, but it is also concerned with achieving a change in the structure of national output and income through a comprehensive and continuous change in them accompanied by an increase in real income and improved distribution in favor of the lower income classes.
  The creation of economic and social development requires the provision of a set of basic elements necessary to achieve them together, above all the so-called strong impetus, which means the minimum resources that must be devoted to the process of economic development in order to have a chance of success. Economic development needs a minimum amount of development effort to be overcome in order to overcome the resistance factors that restrict the underdeveloped economy and move it towards development.
