Peer Review Process

  • Researches are submitted for publication after receiving the recommendation of the editorial board and the arbitrators. The judgment of a research-based on its relevance to the field of knowledge, the scientific and practical value of its results, the originality of the research ideas, the validity of its subject, the accuracy of the previous literature, its timeliness and the clarity of the scientific method used in the study.
  • The editorial board shall make an initial assessment of the research submitted. If it appears unsuitable for publication or it's out of the scope of our journal, the author shall be notified.
  • For suitable researches, it will be sent to two arbitrators for a blind evaluation, and the author will be informed of the outcomes of such evaluation. The author will be required to perform any recommended modifications if any.
  • In case that one of the arbitrators rejects the research, a third arbitrator will be brought.