Aims and Scope

Alexandria Journal of Accounting Research aims at achieving a set of objectives which constitute a series of integrated rings to achieve the goals and objectives of the Journal.The most important objectives are the following:

1 -Encouraging researchers to provide researches that carry the ideas of atypical modern professional problems as well as to address issues that are still the subject of scientific debate.

2- Contribute to the definition of accounting problems that reflect the needs of lo-cal, regional and Arab environments and contribute to the provision of appro-priate solutions.

3- caring of applied researches that reflect the views and opinions of accountants, auditors and relevant bodies, thus reducing the gap between levels of profess-ional application and the horizons and objectives of the theoretical aspects of studies and scientific research.

4–Encouraging researches aimed at dealing with the research areas between the branches of accounting and auditing, or among branches and social and natural sciences as much as possible.

5 - Commitment to apply strict standards and rules in arbitration and publication, in order to achieve integrity, transparency and justice among researchers through-out the Arab world.

6 - Urge researchers to do researches in English alongside Arabic language, and towards the issue of numbers of the Journal in these languages, in order to ach-ieve openness to the international scientific community.

7 - Contributing to sponsoring specialized conferences and forums that seek to keep pace with contemporary professional issues and prepare scientific rep-orts. 

8. Developing the movement of knowledge transfer and translation by encouraging the translation of leading books in the field of accounting and auditing, and preparing their scientific reports .

9 - Seeking to improve the level of the Journal and published it on the Internet and access to a high influence coefficient comparable to international journals, which adds to the scientific classification of the University of Alexandria.

Journal’s Values

1 -Spread the spirit of cooperation among researchers, which generates creative ideas and non-traditional solutions.

2 - Emphasize the values ​​of documentation and scientific secretariat when citation, criticism and analysis.

3 -Adherence to the values ​​of justice and transparency in all technical and admin-istrative work and procedures that take place among the Jonrnal and the arbitr-ators and researchers.

4-Supporting competitiveness among researchers based on love and rapproche-ment.