Accounting Software that meets The Determinants of Selecting Appropriate User’s Satisfaction: Empirical Evidence from Lebanon

Document Type : Original Article


Accounting department Faculty of Business Administration Beirut Arab University Beirut


Nowadays, with the increased technological presence, organizations depend on computer information systems to record their operating transactions and report corporates data. Accounting software applications have a central role in a company’s financial management strategy.
The selection of an appropriate accounting software package is crucial factor in doing business. Today, accounting software is considered an essential part that enhances the accountants in doing their duties; it also creates satisfaction to the accountants. (Arranya, J., 2016).  Thus, accounting software package is a software that is specially developed to be enhance the accountants while achieving their tasks. The software is able to create accounting information effectively, to produce financial reports and to serve users in accordance to their needs. (Arranya, 2016).
Accounting software consists of computer applications and programs. All organizations, including nonprofits, businesses and government agencies, need to record and report financial information. The software may cover specific areas, such as accounts payable or receivable, or broad operating areas, such as financial statements or departmental budgets.
 Accounting software plays a significant role in corporate decisionmaking processes. Accounting managers use the software to prepare the financial statements, such as income statement, balance sheet, equity statement, and cash flow statement. Moreover, the software helps senior management in planning budget work and reporting the activities.
Firms purchase accounting software based on regulatory compliance requirements, operating activities and financial reporting needs, the Accounting Software Advisor, and the accounting and information technology consulting organization. A small business firm usually purchases a limitedscope accounting software, while a large firm usually acquires an enterprise resource planning software.
