The Impact of the New Public Administration Model on Government Performance Measures: A Case Study

Document Type : Original Article


Accounting Department Faculty of Commerce Alexandria University Alexandria Egypt


They call for the need to reassess the performance of government services in general and IT-based in particular. However, the methods currently available and used for evaluation are not achieving their purpose, due to their deficiencies, due to the nature of these measures on the one hand, and the changing environment in which they operate. This can be explained below: First, in terms of the nature of the measures, developing countries, including Egypt, are predominantly reliant on financial measures to control public finances and thus focus on the way spending is done regardless of its value and its effects. This situation was not controversial given the adoption of traditional principles of public administration, which emphasize compliance and accuracy, financial control, and legal rules and procedures.
Second, in terms of the environment, the traditional model of most governments has been heavily criticized as a result of the increasing degree of centralization, the inflexibility of administrative procedures, the dissatisfaction of citizens and the low level of confidence in government performance. Governments become more efficient, citizen-oriented, results-oriented, delivering the best public value with the least amount of money, and the business model has been widely adopted by many governments worldwide, to achieve greater accountability for results, and to emphasize transparency and transparency. Decentralization and fulfillment in what is known as the "new public administration". The new public administration model requires reliance on ICTs as a key tool to achieve its objectives, resulting in the emergence of a new model of government performance based on ICTs as a means to enhance public service delivery capabilities, improve responsiveness to citizens' expectations, improve public services and provide better and more equitable public services to citizens. , Which entails the need to develop methods to measure and evaluate the performance of government-based IT services.
