The Role of Business Continuity Management for Sustaining Corporate Cost advantage

Document Type : Original Article


1 School of Business, Canadian International College (CIC), Cairo, Egypt

2 Department of operations management and production, school of Business, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

3 October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA),Cairo, Egypt


Since the business world continues to change, there are apparently growing challenges to organizational plans for the continuation of business operations and the preservation of Cost advantage. As an insight into many vulnerable systems and other external threats, BCM is an important pillar for value creation. This study aims at proposing a framework that shows how the organizations’ Cost advantagecould be enhanced through BCM factors. The constructs of this analysis are defined based on a comprehensive review of recent literature on BCM, Cost advantage, and IT infrastructure flexibility. The data was collected through various methods including a self-administered approach and the distribution of questionnaires via electronic mail and social media applications. The target population of the study is the Egyptian telecom organizations, these organizations are selected as they are deemed to possess a considerable sense of commitment towards embracing BCM best practices. Structural equation moeling techniques are implemented to study the effect of  BCM factors on competitiveadvantage. The findings indicate that IT infrastructure flexibility strongly mediates the relationship between BCM factors and organizations' Cost advantage. The outcome of this study introduces a framework to researchers and BCM professionals in understanding the effects of BCM factors, and IT infrastructure flexibility on the corporates' Cost advantage.
