Measuring the Impact of Applying the Standards (IFRS) in the Light of Governance Mechanisms on the Earnings Quality and the Explanatory Power of Financial Analysts

Document Type : Original Article


Accounting and auditing department Faculty Commerce Aswan University Egypt


Objective: The main objective of this research is to clarify the influential relationships of International Financial Reporting Standards(IFRS) on earnings quality and to increase the accuracy of expectations for financial analysts.
Design and Methodology: The study tried to present a theoretical and practical plan in an integrated manner to measure the impact of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in the Egyptian environment on the earnings quality. This plan was built on several themes to serve the objectives, as those axes were represented in the theoretical, conceptual and procedural framework of IFRS and reviewing the perspectives supporting mandatory adoption and the others rejecting adoption, and IFRS direct effects that corporate governance and value suitability were chosen as one of the most important qualitative characteristics of the information as pillars of the mandatory adoption of IFRS in the Egyptian environment 
and the extent of their impact on earnings quality, which were represented in: the quality of benefits / continuity of profits / predictive ability / income smoothing.
The analysis of this relationship has been subjected through applied studies, in addition to testing IFRS on the accuracy and increase of the financial explanatory power of financial analysts on a sample of companies listed in the Egyptian stock market.
Findings: The study reached a set of practical and empirical findings, as the relevant previous studies and the theoretical framework were analyzed based on the size of the sample of joint stock companies whose shares were listed in the stock market from 2016 to 2019 by (164) views. The results of the study indicated the positive contribution of IFRS standards through the direct effects (of value suitability and corporate governance) in increasing the quality of profits (except for smoothing income), improving the accuracy of analysts' expectations, as well as reducing the asymmetry of information.
Research limitations: The limitations of this study are represented in a major limitation represented in measuring the impact of applying IFRS through the direct effects (value suitability and corporate governance) on both the earnings quality and the explanatory power  of the performance of financial analysts, in addition to a spatial limitation embodied in conducting the applied study on a sample of 41 company listed in the stock market, and a time limitation embodied in measuring the reflection of IFRS on the earnings quality and their indicators and also the explanatory power of the performance of financial analysts during the period from 2016-2019.
Practical applications: The theoretical study in this research was subjected to an applied study on companies and financial analysts with the aim of concluding the positive and negative implications of IFRS on the earnings quality and the explanatory 
power of the performance of financial analysts.
Originality and Addition: This study is considered one of the recent practical and applied studies in the Egyptian environment, especially when measuring the impact of applying IFRS (based on corporate governance and value suitability) on the earnings quality and the performance of financial analysts, which ended with the importance of mandatory adoption of IFRS because of their positive implications for the earnings quality and improving the accuracy of the performance of financial analysts.
