The implications of economic digitization on the international tax framework. Challenges and proposals for development

Document Type : Original Article


Accounting department Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration Helwan University


The aim of this research is to study the tax challenges of economic digitization, and evaluate proposals for the second version of the the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) to develop the international tax framework to meet these challenges in light of economic digitization, issued by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OCED) and G20 during 2019. To achieve these objectives of research, we relied on the descriptive analytical approach through analyzing previous studies and collecting data on the problems of the current international tax framework in light of economic digitization. The research concluded that the nature of economic digitization has caused many challenges for Counting the current international tax, which depends on the physical presence in the imposition of tax on corporate profits, which are not addressed by the first version of (BEPS) , necessitating a change radically in the tax framework for international by introducing  concepts and tax rules suited to economic digitalization through a plan of action It depends on two pillars: the unified approach proposal to alloction tax rights between the market countries and the country of residence, and the establishment of a minimum rate of tax on corporate profits in combating harmful tax competition, however these proposals face many technical problems, in addition to borrowing interests among countries that may delay the international agreed upon, so the study recommends the readiness of the Egyptian government by proposing tax legislation and the establishment of databases for digital technology companies activity to take a measure of tax Unilocular such as tax digital services similar to the global trend in the event of failure to reach agreement internationally on proposals Development of the international tax framework.
