The Effect of the External Auditor’s Assurance on the Integrated Business Reports on the Stock Investment Decision - Experimental Study

Document Type : Original Article


Accounting and Auditing department faculty of Commerce Alexandria University


The research aimed to study and examine the effect of the external auditor’s assurance on the integrated business report on the decision of the stock investment decision, as well as testing the effect of the level of experience and qualification of the investor as modified variables, on the relationship under study, by relying on an experimental study on a sample of 47 professional investors in the Egyptian business environment.
The research concluded that there is a positive signficant relationship between the external auditor’s assurance on the integrated business report and the stock investment decision, as it gives confidence and credibility to its financial and non-financial information, increases its value relvence and reduces asymmetry of information, which contributes to rationalizing investor decisions and improving the quality of their judgments Investment. This is due to the fact that the information confirmed in the integrated business report increases the ability of investors to assess the overall performance and measure the value of the company and forecast its future performance, and reduce uncertainty about future cash flows, and its ability to create value and face opportunities and risks, thus improving its appreciation of stock prices and expected profits, predicting investment returns, and then making sound investment decisions. Also, due to the complexity of the integrated reports, investors may focus more on their emphasis than on their content
The research also concluded that there is no significant effect of the investor's experience on the relationship between the external auditor’s assurance on the integrated business report and the stock investment decision, on the contrary there is a significant effect of the level of scientific qualification of the investor on this relationship under study.
